L’amour se voit

Il y a quelques semaines, j’ai découvert sur Facebook une vidéo qui m’a profondément émue. Cette viéo débutait par une vieille photo… celle d’un bébé (une petite fille)… dans les bras d’une infirmière. Un texte expliquait que ce bébé – alors âgé de trois mois –...

Love is appreciated

A few days ago, I came across a video on Facebook that really moved me. It began with an antique photo of a baby (a girl) in the arms of a nurse. A text explained that this three month old baby had been accidentally burned very seriously on her head and her hands. The...

El amor se percibe

Hace unos días descubrí en Facebook un vídeo que me conmovió muchísimo. Empezaba con una simple foto antigua… la de un bebe (una niña)… en los brazos de una enfermera. Un  texto explicaba que ese bebe de tres meses acababa de quemarse accidentalmente de manera muy...

We all have wounds to heal

Emotional wounds differ from person to person, but most of the time they are related to a lack of love, absence of confidence in life, the inability to meet our basic needs or fear of failing and so on. We are in fact like small arctichokes, as we have so many wounded...