Prayer or meditation

People often ask me what the difference is, between prayer and meditation. Prayer and meditation are in fact quite different, yet also compliment each other. And I would advise you to practice both on a daily basis. This quote by Yogi Bhajan is quite clear and I...

Prière ou méditation?

On me demande souvent quelle est la différence entre prière et méditation. Prière et méditation sont à la fois différentes et complémentaires. Et je vous conseille de pratiquer les deux tous les jours. Cette citation de Yogi Bhajan – claire et concise –...

Tomorrow never comes

Tomorrow never comes. A friend once wrote to me, saying that she had stopped meditating daily and was finding it increasingly difficult to find the strength to take it up again. Not an uncommon situation to find yourself in (it happens to the best of us!). It’s easily...