Yoga is not flexibility

Yoga is not flexibility Yogi Bhajan  once said “If physical flexibility and the ability to do different poses makes someone a yogi, then the best ones would be circus acrobats!” And what he said was very true! At the end of the day, yoga has actually very little to do...

Laugh, laugh, laugh!

  Some Kundalini Yoga kriyas can be very surprising! Out of nowhere they can suddenly make you do things such as strange poses, unusual movements, atypical breathing patterns or any other kind of exercise, that truly takes you aback and make you say! “Wow! What...

Do you feel tension anywhere in your body?

Observe yourself. Observe your body. Observe whether there is any minor tension or strains in your body;  in your neck vertabrae, in your lower back, or in the pelvic or digestive areas. The body does not lie! These strains are a reflection of your habits (whether...

Vous êtes tendu(e)?

Observez-vous. Observez votre corps. Observez la moindre tension, même minime dans votre corps… au niveau des cervicales, des lombaires, de la zone pelvienne, de la zone digestive. Le corps ne ment pas. Ces tensions sont le reflet de vos habitudes – conscientes et...