What is the Dark Night of the Soul?

At some point, many of us go through a phase known as the Dark Night of the Soul – a period of utter spiritual desolation, disconnection, and emptiness in which we feel lost, hopeless and completely separated from the Divine. Maybe you are in this phase right...

Fill Your free Time with Things that are Satisfying

Have you ever noticed that when you have some free time,  it is very easy to spend it in a bad way? Perhaps getting stuck to your iPad, your mobile phone or watching TV? The precious free time that we may have, can pass us by in the blink of an eye and before we have...

The wonders of sadhana

I find it very hard to get up at 6 am to do my sadhana (spritual practice). In fact, there are days where I let myself have an extra 15 minutes in bed. I suppose it will always be this way for me, as I never seem to be able to go to bed earlier, my current family life...