What is Kundalini Yoga?

aDiscovering Kundalini Yoga is like entering a magical forest where time becomes a very relative notion, where rationality and logic give way to intuition and where the mind surrenders to the soul. A little surprising, I know. At first, it surprised me too. Kundalini...

The joy of the present moment

I imagine that you are familiar with this quote from LaoTsé: “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” Many spiritual traditions place emphasis on “living...

Evitez cette erreur

Lorsque nous sommes confrontés à un problème, nous avons tendance à rechercher la solution qui nous est la plus favorable – n’est-ce pas ? C’est en fait une erreur. Je l’ai compris en écoutant l’enregistrement d’une conférence de Yogi Bhajan, il y a...

Avoid this simple mistake

When we face a problem, do we tend to look for the best solution for ourselves? Although this often the case, it is clearly the wrong approach. I discovered this at a conference by Yogi Bhajan that I listened to some months ago. It really struck a chord…and completely...