Life, Prosperity, White Tantra, Yoga
“Spirituality cannot be taught. It is passed from one person to another – like a contagious virus. It sticks.” I remembered this phrase from Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa, during the last White Tantric Yoga festival organised in Madrid. White Tantric Yoga is a whole day...
Abondance, Spiritualité, Tantra Blanc, Vie, Yoga, Yoga Kundalini
“La spiritualité ne peut pas s’enseigner. Elle se transmet, elle se passe, de l’un à l’autre – comme un virus contagieux. » Je me suis souvenue de cette phrase de Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa lors du dernier Tantra Yoga Blanc organisé à Madrid. Un Tantra Yoga Blanc est...
abundance, Bliss, law of attraction, Life, Prosperity, Yoga
There are times in life when we desire something in particular, but sometimes it is just not the right time to try to attain it. This could be because we are tired, we are not inspired or we don’t have “the” good idea. In these circumstances, if we...
abundance, Bliss, law of attraction, Prosperity, soul, Yoga
“I am the light of my soul. I am beautiful, I am bountiful, I am bliss.” This phrase comes from a song by Ajeet Kaur, “Light of my soul”. I LOVE this song! I like it so much that I listen to it every day, during my morning Sadhana (my spritual practise)....
abundance, Confidence, law of attraction, Life, Prosperity, Yoga
Since we are born, we begin to write the story of our own lives. Everything we do and experience is important to this story. Including the position of the planets at the time we are born, the culture of the country we live in, our immediate and extended family, study...
Abondance, Ame, Amour, chakra, Esprit, Loi d'attraction, Lumière, Lumineux, Prospérité, Spiritualité, Vie, Yoga, Yoga Kundalini
Plus nous faisons du chemin, sur le plan spirituel, plus nous commençons à être conscients et à ouvrir notre coeur – et plus nous commençons à attirer dans nos vies des personnes lumineuses dont la simple présence nous aide à nous élever. Des personnes merveilleuses...