Do you truly believe that you are lovable?

Many of us have a hard time believing that we are lovable.

We don’t really believe that we deserve love – there is always a part of us that doubts it.

And the only reason we have trouble believing we are lovable is because we don’t love ourselves.

We usually have a long list of conscious – or unconscious – reasons for thinking we are unlovable.

These beliefs come from past experiences… from things our families or friends have told us, from our religious upbringing, or from stereotypes.

As soon as we accept these beliefs as truths, we begin to think that we are not worthy of love.

1-Considering this disempowers us

When we believe that we are not lovable, we somehow give up our power.

And we begin to live our lives from a place of lack and fear.

I invite you to look at all areas of your life and see where there is a lack of love… it can show up in your relationships, in your work, in your finances, in your health, in your ability to speak your truth.

If any of these areas are lacking, then it is time to love yourself more.

2-When we don’t love ourselves, it becomes very difficult to attract love into our lives.

Because when we unconsciously project ourselves from this place, it is very difficult for people to love us.

We usually fail to believe in their love and end up sabotaging our relationships in some way, by thinking: “How can he love me?” “What does he see in me?” “When he finds out about my shadows, he’ll run away.”

These negative thoughts are so hurtful.

Please, always remember that you are lovable just the way you are!!!

It’s something I explore a lot with the women I work with.

We do a lot of energy work around this so that they can finally break free of these beliefs, open their hearts and fully embrace the vision of love that they want to attract into their lives.

Love is a beautiful healer.

There is nothing more radiant than a woman who loves herself and knows she is lovable.

Love attracts love.

If you feel called to do this work, I would love to guide you.

I have an opening that has just become available.

Is it yours?

Listen to your intuition and book a call in my calendar here.

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“3 secrets to attract a magical Soul to Soul relationship”

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“Soul to Soul”