A wonderful day for celebrating love with our partners.

Yogi Bhajan used to say that “Marriage is the highest form of yoga in the world.”

And I think that most people who have been married for a certain amount of time, would agree with him. It can be difficult to find the balance between masculine and feminine polarities on a daily basis.

Because if our own masculine and feminine polarities are unbalanced or if we act from our ego, this is reflected in how we relate to our partner.

Yogi Bhajan taught that there are three kinds of couples:

  • Couples who live in conflict. They often go head to head and easily fall into open or simmering conflict with each other.
  • Couples who live next to each other. They might live together and live life side by side, but do not share anything real.
  • Couples who live for each other and could die for each other.

Perhaps Valentine’s Day is a good time to  reflect on our relationship with our partner. And we should do this with compassion and without judgement, as our relationship with our partner is always a reflection of our own level of vibrations.

Being aware of this can help us to move towards enjoying a more harmonious relationship, from a place of love.

Yogi Bhajan used to say that over the years has to arrive to a place of being “two bodies with one soul” which is the real purpose of marriage. The union of two souls, to make one.

It is not easy to achieve…but should definitely be our main goal.

So today let’s forget our previous conflicts (small or large) and enjoy the happy journey that has kept us together.

Sat Nam,

Gabrielle – Puranshant Kaur

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And please, share this blog post with your loved ones… so we elevate the vibration of the world alltogether. Thank you.


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