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The month of September wields an incredible energy!

There are 1001 things to do and 1001 people to see! And everything seems to flow easily and cheerfully.

The weather is still warm, but the leaves begin to change colour and the light changes too, announcing the arrival of autumn.

September is a month of new beginnings.

And in order to harness that energy of change, it is vital to consciously choose a path, to set an intention.

Because if we don’t set an intention and harness this energy consciously, we may fall into old habits that no longer serve us.

So I invite you to do this, in order to internally accommodate all of these changes consciously.

In making this conscious choice, you will be able to maintain this energy throughout the year. You already know that life is not always rosy, and that sooner or later you will face challenges. That is perfectly normal. But during those moments, your intention and chosen path can help you to face your realities.

This could be for example, being more conscious or more positive or less reactive, or perhaps finding balance in your life.

Each of us knows our own weaknesses, as well as intuitively, what we need to reinforce as our priorities.

So listen to yourself. Set an intention that YOU need in order to sustain your energy and grow as a person throughout the year.

Sat Nam,

Gabrielle – Puranshant Kaur

Leave me a comment. It will be a pleasure to read it (and answer you).

And please, share this blog post with your loved ones… so we elevate the vibration of the world alltogether. Thank you.


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