abundance, Life, Meditation, Prosperity, Yoga
Tomorrow never comes. A friend once wrote to me, saying that she had stopped meditating daily and was finding it increasingly difficult to find the strength to take it up again. Not an uncommon situation to find yourself in (it happens to the best of us!). It’s easily...
Body, Laugh, Life, Posture, Yoga
Some Kundalini Yoga kriyas can be very surprising! Out of nowhere they can suddenly make you do things such as strange poses, unusual movements, atypical breathing patterns or any other kind of exercise, that truly takes you aback and make you say! “Wow! What...
Body, Life, soul, Yoga, zen
I find it very hard to get up at 6 am to do my sadhana (spritual practice). In fact, there are days where I let myself have an extra 15 minutes in bed. I suppose it will always be this way for me, as I never seem to be able to go to bed earlier, my current family life...