At some point, many of us go through a phase known as the Dark Night of the Soul – a period of utter spiritual desolation, disconnection, and emptiness in which we feel lost, hopeless and completely separated from the Divine.

Maybe you are in this phase right now or have gone through it recently. And I am here to remember you  that this phase is actually a blessing as it leads to a profound transformation of our ego and the awakening of our soul.

There is no need to try to run from the darkness you feel in this phase or put on a happy, smiley face, pretending it is not happening because it won’t fade away until you fully embrace it.

The dark night of the soul is the beginning of a true spiritual journey.

During this phase, we often ask ourselves some questions about the meaning of life:  “Why am I alive?” “What is truth?” “What is the point of living?” “Is there a God or afterlife?” “Why is it so difficult?” “Why do good people suffer?”…

Since the Spanish monk San Juan de la Cruz – the first one to use the expression in his poem “La noche oscura del alma”, many mystics have referred to the dark night of the soul of the human condition and its absolute need to consciously grow into its Divine potential.

The dark night of the soul is a real battle – the battle of the ego.

Have you ever seen a butterfly begin to emerge from its cocoon? It must struggle in order to strengthen its wings. If someone frees the butterfly from its cocoon prematurely, it won’t be able to fly because its crucial tempering stage will not have occurred.

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest Souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”  Khalil Gibran

A true Dark night of the Soul leaves a long-lasting impact on us. It is an ego transformation whereby we shed the ego that prevents us from embodying our Soul.

We are subsequently left with a feeling of great inner emptiness, but within this empty space, we eventually come to see what can never come, go, change or die, and that is the truth of who we are: pure, peaceful, and blissful conscious essence.

There is no growth, no awakening in life – to life, without first seeing and acknowledging the limitations of our ego.

The dark night of the soul can be frightening as we sometimes feel completely lost – there is no map, there is only the flickering luminescence of our Soul to light the way.

But it is a beautiful path of initiation. We are in the dark so that we can understand what Light is. We are disconnected so that we can feel what connection is. We are lost so that we can find our way back Home.

A Love Path can sometimes look like the dark night of the Soul and in this sense, it is a true spiritual healing journey.

If you feel lost on this path, I invite you to join my free Facebook community (link below). It will help you stay aligned with your deepest desire and embrace your Love Journey with hope and grace.

If you would like to do some personal inner work with me, I invite you to book a free discovery call here. It will be lovely to have a small chat with you.

And if you want to learn more about men and emotional attraction, I encourage you to read this blog post.

With all my love,

Gabrielle – Puranshant Kaur

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